Reviews La source en Soi - montreal Étienne-Desmarteau

Address: 2554 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H1Y 1G3, Canada

Telephone: +1 514-750-3735

Business type: Pregnancy care center

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A: Carole provides the best massage experience for pregnant women at 23 weeks. The massage is tailored to your specific needs and focuses on providing comfort and relaxation during this special time.

A: The massage therapist ensures your comfort by using techniques that are safe and effective for pregnant women. They create a soothing environment and provide support for your body to ensure a relaxing experience.

A: Massage during pregnancy can help reduce stress, alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being. It can also help with common pregnancy discomforts such as back pain and swelling.

A: The massage therapist personalizes the session by taking into account your specific needs and concerns. They adjust the pressure, focus areas, and techniques to ensure a comfortable and effective massage experience.

A: This massage therapist stands out for their expertise in providing massages for pregnant women. They have the knowledge and experience to create a safe and relaxing environment for expectant mothers, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience.

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