Reviews Kalbi Korean BBQ - montreal René-Lévesque

Address: 1017 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1J4, Canada

Telephone: +1 514-878-3388

Business type: Barbecue restaurant

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User FAQs provides information and resources related to a Korean BBQ restaurant. Visitors can find details about the menu, location, hours of operation, and any special promotions or events.

Visitors can hope to find the information they are looking for about the Korean BBQ restaurant. Whether it's to check out the menu options, find the address and contact information, or learn about any upcoming events or promotions, aims to provide all the necessary details. serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in Korean BBQ by offering comprehensive information about the restaurant. From the menu offerings to the location details, visitors can easily access all the information they need to plan their visit. aims to assist visitors in finding the information they need by organizing the details in a user-friendly manner. Whether it's through clear navigation menus or easily accessible contact information, the website strives to make it simple for visitors to locate the information they are seeking.

Visitors can expect to gain a wealth of information about the Korean BBQ restaurant by visiting From learning about the menu options to finding out about any special promotions or events, the website aims to provide visitors with all the details they need to have a positive dining experience.

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